Saturday, March 01, 2014

Many Other Ideations Seemed Quite Unnecessary At This Point

by Paul Nachbar

Many other ideations seemed quite redundant or piled on higher and deeper
When the former honors English teacher or
Or the former science student or Computer professor
Or the present engineer of some speciality or another
Or the former or present librarian
Or the former or present nurse
Or artist or poet or musician or singer or
Nun, mother superior, rabbi, minister
Theater director, movie director, amateur or professional neurotic and or psychotic
Amateur or professional moron or average Joe and Jane or talented folk or genius,
Average or professional criminal, eccentric, deviant or whipping boy,
Working or non working , married or not married, fertile of infertile household Goddess of whatever social class, milieu, religion, nation, ethnicity, political
Affiliation, weight or size or looks or spiritual category.
Or the former or present doctor or lawyer or CEO
Or the former or present policewoman or detective
Or the former or present conservative, radical or liberal Party Leader
Or the former or present private, sergeant lieutenant, major, colonel. corporal, captain
General or multiple star general, intelligence or investigative agent
Secretary, junior secretary, department head , translator, stock broker
Biochemist, physicist, geologist, fine or commercial artist, administrator,
Senator, representative, editor, mayor , judge, mail carrier, banker,
Novelist, playwright poet or essayist or even spokesperson
For social causes, advice columnist gossip columnist, newscaster,
Feminist theorist, man hater so called, debator, advocate, actress, model
Psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, mental health worker
Philosopher, historian, linguist, pacifist, terrorist, strike leader, drug dealer,
Hitwoman thief, burglar, assassin, kidnapper, arsonist, saint
Suicide bomber, soldier , offensive or defensive judge or attorney
Psychiatric nurse or related professionals
Not to speak of marginal workers in factories and offices
And those in the varied sex trades as well
Told me-- I forget exactly which one-- that in some certain 'hard times'
She had stuck a banana up her vagina ..
So I asked my usual terse question "how was it"? and she said "ripe"
And I said "I guess that's sometimes good" and she said "yeah" and we
Smiled and I said "thank you for leveling the playing field" and
She said "You are very welcome" and we so very sweetly kissed.

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