Saturday, March 01, 2014

Dear Child

by Asana Liana

Dear Child, Dear Love: You highlight my life with the glittering chimes of
Innocence, the purity of Heart, and the clarity of Mind that only a child could
unknowingly set ablaze.

As I view the landscape of my Life, your inspirational sparkles appear, shining and
lovely, grand yet humble in some unexpected, enigmatic fashion.

I cannot imagine a more beautiful power, a farther-reaching positivity, or a more
brilliant addition to the landscape of the brief moment of this limited time alive on
the earth.

I see you, far ahead in time, strong and tall, deep and wise, playful, joyful,
wondrous and as free as you need to be; the Sequoia I have always known you
would be.

I offer you, always, my love and guidance; eternally, internally, inextricably
embedded in your heart and mind; you can ever draw upon that which I have so
consciously caressed into your experience as a gentle soul growing softly yet

I truly love you with all that I am and all that I have within me, including that which
seems to have sprung anew due to your presence and my need to engender the
best and brightest in you; I believe in you and the best of my love will forever be
available to your heart.

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