Sunday, March 23, 2014

In Order To Get "There"

by Paul Nachbar

Well in order to get there from where you are
i found out very precisely and quite nicely too
You have to learn a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion rules
And then you might just do something 'new":or 'really good'
Or "really really really good"

Hey, just like you, I was born a screamer and a crier
And a moaner and a whiner and a bastard and a bitch perhaps as well
I was born a puker a shitter a pisser and a farter
And a drooler too
With eyes and senses and ears wired for Mommy
Daddy maybe and a few other people too
And some simiple tricks of the trade like
Crawlng, sitting up, dreaming, dropping stuff or causing it to fall over,
Burping,sucking on things, rolling over, smiling, frowning
And being honest and pleased or
Displeased and showing off or faking it or
Administrating, ruling or negotiating stuff
As well as making various sounds and noises I created
In different pitches and of different durations which eventually seemed to have
Objective clearcut sound and reasonable meaning
To everybody else who spoke the "king's and queen's English"
Meaning of course of my household not theiirs. or yours or his or hers.

Now if you expect one from those origins to learn
Or to want to or need to or desire to or lust to learn and master
With any degree of competency those
Trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion rules
That exist regarding "everything"
Without some rudeness, nastiness, inappropriatness, direspect,
Withdrawls, bullyings. perceived bullyings, regressions, aggressions
Instabiliites, obessions, rumnations acts of bravery and cowardice
Responsible and irresponsible deeds, real and unreal things.
Good and bad stuff. too, immaturity, boasting, narcissism, grandiousity
Extreme shyness. hurt, tears,
Impatience, sarcasm, nastiness, deviations, teasings and torturings
Arguments, debates "nervous breakdowns" asininities, foolishnesses
Feuds, quarrels, battles, reunions, civil wars reactions, neuroses
Psychoses, fallings out, failures, false leads and a whole whole bunch
Of other stuff that the Jews call mishegas or schmuckeria.
And you can look those up
And not just among the mishbruchah
And you can look that one up too
Not to speak of borderline meshuggenah
And yes once again that would be useful to look up
Then you don't really know that much do you?

Well in order to get there from where you are
They told me very precisely and quite nicely too
You have to learn a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion rules
And then you might just do something 'new":or 'really good'
Or "really really good"

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