Thursday, February 27, 2014

Did We Win or Did We Lose?

by Paul Nachbar

Is it soup yet?
Is the meal ready to eat?
Is it success yet?
Did we rise above defeat?

Is it truth yet?
Is it victory for us all?
Is it real now?
Is it our time to be tall?

Are we happy?
Did the bright new age begin?
Did we flourish
In games only we could win?

Is it grace time?
Did we take over the world?
Or disgrace time?
Though the flags are all unfurled?

Is it over?
Did we drive the bastards out?
We recovered?
And it's time to twist and shout?

We made magic?
Or we merely were obscure?
We wrought havoc
Or our works cannot endure?

We played lotto?
And our tickets always won?
We went blotto
And we settled with a gun?

We got married?
And we had a dozen kids?
We just parried
And all ended on the skids?

We found answers
To all questions that we had?
We were dancers
Far more clumsy than our dad?

We split up then
And divorce did hurt us all?
We ignored pain
And ignored the man named Paul?

We loved movies
Which all ended with a Point?
And loved stories
Which would never disappoint

We loved artists
Though we tore them into bits?
We loved porn stars
And we all admired their tits ?

We chose battles
That we all were sure to win?
We were churchgoers
Though all ended up with sin?

We were crazy
Though all doctors crazier too?
We were lazy
And would always blame some Jew?

We knew heartbreak
Because we know we'd never win?
Our lives mistake
Which we medicate with gin?

And the moral?
Yes the moral neath it all?
Is that under
Great stuff is always small?

Its all hopeless
We were hapless as before
And the taxman
Is now rapping on our door.

All forgiveness
Is just galaxies away?
And the madness
Seems much stronger every day?

I am finished
And the world feels like a curse
It feels over
And we're waiting for the hearse.

Is it failure?
Or is it a great success?
Life goes staler
And we flounder in the mess?

We can show off
Precious stuff or else despair?
It seems over
And we fiddle with our hair?

They play simple
Games they always played?
And the victims
Sometimes publicly got flayed?

They play simple
Games with clear reward
Though there's small print
Underneath each point that's scored

All feels heartless
Yes they told me not to think?
And one's life can
Just vanish in a blink.

God is heartless
Or less does not exist
And we vanish
Simply items on Their list

Did it matter
Yes it did to you and me?
Life does shatter
Here 'agree' or 'not agree'?

Here the critics will conclude?
With their satire
As they roast you in the nude?

You are old hat
And all critics are unfair?
Join some chorus
Or just twitch and mope and stare?

Her loud whining
Merely gets upon our nerves?
They were all right
One just gets what one deserves?

Her loud bitching
Merely gets upon our nerves?
They were all right
One just gets what one deserves?

His soft whining
Merely gets upon our nerves?
They were all right
One just gets what one deserves?

His soft biching
Merely got upon our nerves?
They were all right
One just gets what noe deerves

It is horror
Here: exist or not exist
It is sorrow
Whether on or off some list.

It is horror
And we all embrace this stuff
Fertile horror
And we never have enough.

Let the others
Teach their Lessons Big and Blond
We are Dark Ones
And the world is not too fond.

Let the others
Win their battles Small and Big
Its all Tragic
But right now do not give a fig.

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